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Expand your technical and industry knowledge on subjects like energy efficiency, indoor air quality, standards and regulation for various applications. The following courses are currently available:

Air Handling Units

The important issues of our times, energy efficiency, Indoor air quality and the transition to climate friendly refrigerants, depend not only on efficient technologies, but first and foremost on the complete understanding of HVACR technologies and products available. The Air Handling Unit Specialisation Programme provides a comprehensive overview of AHUs and their components including essential information on specification, certification, regulations, and standards. The course is divided into 9 modules of about one hour each and will run over the course of several weeks, with two modules per week.

Indoor Air Quality:
IAQ Supervisor

Within two days, participants will learn about the basics of IAQ and Air Filtration and its importance in various building environments, identify common pollutants and their origins, and how to assess the situation in a building with particle counters and an inspection of HVAC installations. The course includes a closer look at air filtration processes, HVAC system maintenance and performance characteristics. In practical sessions, participants will learn how to use particle counters and interpret their readings, evaluate different filtration products and look at other IAQ solutions and services offered on the market.

Indoor Air Quality:
IAQ Manager

In this level, participants will dive deeper into air filtration, the various types and products and their related installation, operation and maintenance. The course will enable participants to define optimal operating procedures and specify filter requirements according to the operational environment. It addresses common mistakes in operations and maintenance and energy saving potentials while improving filtration performance in buildings. In practical sessions, participants will learn about filter media and products used in HVAC equipment. We will also take a closer look at air handling units and air purification technologies like UV and Ionisers.

Indoor Air Quality:
IAQ Specialist

This level is designed for planners and consultants. It will enable participants to identify the most important IAQ parameters and include them in their planning and building design work. Among others, Air quality monitoring, filtration plans and sustainable business models will get a closer look and in practical sessions, various industry solutions will be introduced and evaluated.

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